From the very first time I released the shutter on a camera I was hooked. The anticipation of what could be on each one of those exposed frames of film, was a feeling like no other I had ever experienced. The cameras may have changed over time and film may have been replaced with memory cards but I still get that feeling of excitement every time I release the shutter.
Over the years my relationship with photography has ebbed and flowed with the different phases of my life. From the early days when I carried around a giant 4x5 camera shooting B&W film to present day digital photography with memory cards and computers. The medium may have changed but that feeling of anticipation never wained and it kept me coming back year after year no matter what the circumstances were that diverted my attention.
I feel very fortunate that several of my favorite worlds have collided and brought me back to photography and chasing that feeling of excitement that comes right after releasing the shutter. The combination of getting a Chocolate Lab and an Airstream to camp in created a situation where I was spending more and more time on trails and in the woods. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that it wouldn’t take long for my photographer’s eye to start yearning to capture the scenes I was witnessing on a regular basis. As I started capturing more images I wanted to start to share them with a wider audience, in a format other than a little 150px by 150px image. This inevitably led me to create this website and share the images I create on my journey through nature.
So if you are reading this, I sincerely hope you enjoy my images and if you’re so inclined please reach out and tell me what you think.